Team Training

Your Office
All Your Staff at Once

2 Homes
1 Family
 Certification Copyright 2022 Hoffman Bausek Group PLLC

The Core Strength of our Society

A hybrid program created to diminish conflict for children moving from 1 home to 2 homes because of Divorce/Loss/Separation.  This program is aimed at bridging the new changes with stability, support, and cultivating safe communication for parents and children.  In the end we help families transition into 2 Homes without over exposing children to Adult issues.

The Counseling and Helping Professions are an ever learning place to engage in life as a career.  There are so many opportunities. The world of science and how the brain works is just now becoming mainstream.  The discoveries are unbelievable and so exciting.

You each have a purpose and passion.  Mine is around the Family Unit as the place to heal the next generation for better lives.  If you and I have like passions and purpose; JOIN ME!  Let's create an army of trained professionals to heal generational trauma from the family system.

We use the theoretical work lens of Dr. Patricia Papernow the foremost world expert on complex family systems.  



Why should we learn about non-traditional family systems?

There are over 67 different types of non-traditional family systems today.

75% of step-families express frustration that they do not have access  to trained professionals when they need help.

42% of adults (102 million) have a step-relationship (either a step-parent, a step- or half- sibling, or a step-child).
When you add the 11.6 million stepchildren in the US (16% of all kids), the total is an estimated 113.6 million Americans that have a step-relationship. 

We work with Mediators in Ada, Gem, and Canyon County.  There is a large need for Counselors that are trained in Divorce/Custody Work.  All trained Counseling Centers will be listed with The Hoffman Bausek Group PLLC  as resources for families to get the 2 Homes 1 Family training.

Countertransference can be common in the counseling relationship when a counselor has not been trained in complex family systems.  In part because there is no standard by which these families come together and there are many value and belief mixes about how they best work. This leaves the untrained therapist vulnerable to relying on their own experience of complex families. 

Countertransference is common in therapy and does not pose a problem if the therapist is aware of it and tries to prevent it from interfering with therapy. However, if a therapist is unaware of their countertransference, then it can be problematic and potentially harmful to treatment. I CAN HELP!

Our clients need counselors that are trained in the type of environment they live in.

Email for more information

What is a Contemporary Family System Specialist?

I am a Contemporary Family System Specialist. When we talk about Contemporary Families our
intention is to capture the new trends in family systems. These would be inclusive of all family systems that have non biological children living in them. Examples would include stepfamilies, couples with children, Adoptive, Foster, and Non-Parent caregiver families. For the purpose of focusing on attachment and tools to help these families reduce tension and increase communication we will refer to them as Contemporary Family Systems. The common challenges, tools, and strengths that make these family systems stand out are all inclusive of the more than 67 types of non-biological family systems. We can learn much to help our clients with the complexity of living in these families.

How This Training Will Help Your Clients

2 Homes 1 Family Certification is a Train the Trainer type of Certification.  Your team will actually learn how these family systems function and how to do psycho ed groups for your parents with children caught in the middle. As Counselors you are not always trained in Family Systems. This is a major part of understanding how these families function. 

 I can help.

Face-to-Face Training

Training with your peers is a rich way to be able to consult with each other

While there is a place for tele-training, training with your colleagues face-to-face provides a richer, more impactful learning environment. You will expand your thoughts and ideas and focus on the material with hands-on learning activities. Learning face-to-face allows you to get practical experience in interventions that you can use with your clients. 

In-person training provides that special human connection and attunement that can be hard to attain through a computer screen. As you practice working in the presence of like-minded people, you will learn to care for others in a completely unique way.

Training can be done on your site or on the Ranch.

When you train at the ranch during our 3 day intensives, you will have the opportunity to relax in a hot water mineral pool, time to relax and absorb what you've learned, and take in the views of the stunning Idaho landscape.

How I Can Help

Competency Trainings

We often have clients that are involved in the court system around divorce and custody negotiations. This can be a very difficult position for counselors to be in. I can teach you how to navigate not getting caught in the middle of Divorce/Custody and Conflictual Family Battles.

I will come to you and train your entire staff of helping professionals in a 3 day intensive course. Your team of professionals will be better equipped to work with over 50% of your clients in the unique challenges that their family situation brings to your office. These families have complex attachment challenges. There are evidence based tools that will help them reduce their anxiety/depression and that of the children in the home they live. Increasing communication and attachment opportunities is paramount to these family systems.

More Information about Contemporary Family Systems

According to The Step Family Foundation:

The US Bureau of Census relates:
 1300 new stepfamilies are forming every day.
 Over 50% of US families are remarried or re-coupled.
 The average marriage in America lasts only seven years.
 One out of two marriages ends in divorce.
 75% remarry
 66% of those living together or remarried break up, when children are involved.
 80% of remarried, or re-coupled, partners with children both have careers.
 50% of the 60 million children under the age of 13 are currently living with one biological parent
and that parent's current partner.
 The 1990 US Census stated there will be more stepfamilies than original families by the year 2000.
 75% of stepfamilies complain of "not having access to resources as a stepfamily," according to a
recent Stepfamily Foundation survey of 2000 web questionnaires.
 A Boston University psychologist researcher reported that of the career women who earned over
$100.000 and had married men with children over 75% said that, "if they had do it again they
would NOT marry a man with children."
 50% of all women, not just mothers, are likely sometime in their life, to live in a stepfamily
relationship, when we include living-together families in our definition of the stepfamily, according
to research compiled by Professor of Sociology Larry L. Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.

Pricing varies based on your needs
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