Private Therapy for 
Individuals, Couples, Families

Brainspotting and Traditional Therapy

If you are looking to make real change in your relationships, I am excited to explore the journey with you!  Understanding why we do what we do is the foundation of changing it.  I love to work with people that want peace and harmony in their lives.  Let's do this!

Pricing $150 for 1 hour - Cash only- No insurance -This provides the most private way to do therapy. Not even the insurance company can ask for your records. No diagnosis is required for cash pay clients.

Email me to request more information about private therapy with Stephanie

Private Therapy for Counselors

Hot Water Counseling Sessions

If you are a professional counselor/therapist looking for a relaxing way to do private therapy, I offer Hot Water Counseling Sessions.  Yes, we do our session in or near the pool.  These are private sessions for professionals both individually as well as their spouse if doing couples work.   These are 2-hour sessions and are held at The Healing Story Ranch.  Self care and therapy all in one!

Pricing $250 for 2 hours-You can request Brainspotting for the 1st hour.

Email me to request more information about Hot Water Counseling at The Healing Story Ranch


If you are a professional counselor/therapist looking to work on blind spots, countertransference, or unresolved grief an loss, I offer Brainspotting Therapy.  

If you are struggling with trauma, negative emotions, or pain that seem to be stuck in your body and mind, brainspotting therapy may be a helpful option for you. Brainspotting therapy is a gentle and effective way to access and process the root causes of your distress, without having to relive the painful memories or events. Brainspotting therapy works by finding the eye positions or “brainspots” that are linked to the parts of your brain that hold the trauma or pain. By focusing on these brainspots with the guidance of a trained therapist, you can release and heal the emotional and physical blocks that are holding you back. Brainspotting therapy is a client-centered and flexible approach that respects your pace and comfort level. You are in control of your own healing process, and your therapist is there to support you along the way. Brainspotting therapy can help you with a variety of issues, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain, performance enhancement, and more. Brainspotting therapy can help you feel more calm, confident, and free. If you are interested in learning more about brainspotting therapy or scheduling a session, please contact me today. I look forward to working with you.

What is Brainspotting? 

Brainspotting is a type of therapy that uses eye positions to access and process trauma, negative emotions, and pain that are stored in the subcortical brain. It is based on the idea that "where you look affects how you feel", meaning that different eye positions can trigger different emotional and physical responses. By finding the specific eye positions or "brainspots" that are connected to the source of distress, the therapist can help the person release and heal the trauma or pain.

Brainspotting was discovered in 2003 by David Grand, PhD, who was working with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. He noticed that one of his clients had a strong reaction when her eyes were fixed on a certain spot. He then developed brainspotting as a way to explore and utilize this phenomenon. Brainspotting is considered an advancement of EMDR, as it does not require the person to relive the trauma or follow a rigid protocol.

Brainspotting can be used for a wide range of issues, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain, performance enhancement, and more. It can be done with or without bilateral stimulation (such as sounds or tapping) and with various tools (such as pointers or headphones) to help the person find and focus on their brainspots. Brainspotting is a client-centered and flexible approach that allows the person to go at their own pace and depth.

This video by Dr. Mark Grixti is a helpful resource for beginning to understand Brainspotting. 

Pricing $150 for 1-hour sessions,vid:7FO_udVWkqA

Book Your Appointment Now!

I Look Forward to Working with YOU!

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